Basic Robotic Info


Roswell Park Cancer Institute 

      Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) is one of the many companies that are focusing on robotic surgery. One of the purposes of this institute is to get the attention of other medical centers to fund money for better surgical tools as well as getting people interested in robotic surgery. The Philanthropic Foundations are helping Roswell Park Cancer Institute by developing a national center for robotic-assisted surgical training.


Roswell Park Cancer Institute uses robotic tools to make surgeries easier and quicker. RPCI uses the same tools to teach the students about robotic surgeries.

     In the meantime, this institute is helping students by providing a one-on-one training program and takes them through the process of robotic surgery. They are focused on trying to build an environment where the students not only receive great training, but also an enjoyable atmosphere. They also offer remedial programs to hospitals that haven’t been able to create a robotic program. The program will take groups of surgeons to RPCI and train them for three days. After the three days, the people in the groups return back to the hospitals where they work, alongside Marlene Bienko, who is the head robotic surgical nurse at RPCI. Bienko spends an extra two days at the hospital to check on how they are performing and will give them any help necessary with robotic surgeries.


da Vinci Surgery


The da Vinci Surgery is a company that focuses on finding new treatments by integrating computer technologies with robotic tools. 


       The da Vinci Surgery company tries to find new treatments including robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery, thoracoscopic surgery, and endoscopic surgery. The da Vinci Surgical System uses the intruments called the da Vinci S. Surgeons sit at the da Vinci console and view 3D images of the surgical site. While this is taking place, robotic and computer technologies scan the area and follow the surgeons hand movements using da Vinci instruments. The robotic and computer technologies are not able to make their own decisions, so every maneuver is decided on by the surgeon. Another surgeon is with the robotic instruments that is performing the surgery to check on the accuarcy. The da Vinci Surgical System wants to create robotic equipment that is smaller and more improved than the tools that are currently being used, such as EndoWrist instruments. With these tools being created, surgeons will be able to perform simpler and quicker surgeries. Robotic equipment will allow surgeons to go more in depth of their patients and allow them to eliminate unnecessary procedures.  The da Vinci Surgery System is a worldwide company that is currently being used in countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, France and many more.

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